[dundee] EeePC Exploit

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 11 06:01:54 GMT 2008

Yeah, for some reason they ship a very old version smbd... 

I think you need to concentrate in the 'dross' in Xandros.

Apparently Xandros 'has more windows features than any other linux'

That obvisouly includes windows '(in)security' features  too ;-)

probably worth doing 

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

and see if you get a later version of smbd

it does seem very very old...

I'm dismayed that eee come rootable out the box, Xandros really is
windows mentality out of the box...

Linux is a way thinking, where Windows is a way of 'not thinking'

azmodie <azmodie at gmail.com> wrote: http://www.risesecurity.org/blog/entry/6/

Turns out the modified version of Xandros shipped with the EeePC is vulnerable to a smbd exploit

Interesting to see the Metasploit being used in this example.
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