[dundee] Developer Day, Scotland

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 11 13:24:06 GMT 2008

Gary Short <gary at garyshort.org> wrote: -------- Original Message --------
> From: Barry Carr 
> Sent: 11 February 2008 10:28
> To: Tayside Linux User Group 
> Subject: [dundee] Developer Day, Scotland
> I know it looks like an MS and .NET dominated event but there are sessions proposals there that 
> apply to all languages and platforms. Gary and I both have sessions proposals submitted. Gary is 
> concentrating on Patterns and Practices and I have sessions submitted on Regular Expressions (the 
> presentation I'll be doing for you guys this Thursday) and a session on Chrome 
> (http://www.remobjects.com/product/?id={38861650-4B7D-434B-8764-2AE18254649A}) A .NET language that 
> also works with Mono.

Actually there are a few sessions that are not MS only, I'm doing a session on patterns and practices that, although the examples will be coded in C# are generic; and I'm also doing one on agile development that is language and platform agnostic. There are also other sessions on Java and such like. So if you fancy it you'll be made most welcome. There'll be a small group of us going from the Dundee .Net user group so we may be able to share lifts etc.

As an aside if anyone in the group would like to hear the agile methods talk or the patterns talk (I'll even code samples in Python or Ruby just for you guys ) then just let me know and we might be able to set something up for one Thursday night.


Sound good, I'd be up for someone talking about rails, as I've been getting
into it, and it's certainty interesting stuff.


is, that me, or is that a Class id directly embedded in the URL? interesting.

If you two could show me some 'stuff' then I'd be up for learning, RoR, python,
or just how to do 'objects' better. :-). 

'bottom posting is a really good idea'

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