[dundee] Parser howto... possibly including bisons so watch out!

Nistur nistur at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 11 21:46:37 GMT 2008

Hey, I was just wandering whether anyone had any experience making 
parsers. I am currently trying to make a PS2 game (using the PS2 Linux 
Devkit) and want to start creating config files for various things 
(maybe XML, maybe custom layout, yet to be decided) and have tried 
looking into writing my own parser function. I can't seem to find 
anything anywhere in the form of a guide or tutorial to give me 
directions. Everywhere I look says Bison.
I have tried looking for Bison tutorials and come up with very little too.
Does anyone have any experience with Bison or even have any knowledge on 
the writing of parsers?



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