[dundee] Greetings from Newfoundland

J.Peter Haliburton haliburton at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 12:59:31 GMT 2008

Some fellow named Arron stumbled into the Linux Basement channel on FreeNode
recently, and said I should join your mailing list. So here I am.

I live in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and first
heard about Linux about the same time I first tried the Internet, in 1994.
It was not, however, until I found myself with a spare computer around 2003
that I tried installing it. That was Debian, and things did not go well.

When a slightly better system came my way about a year later, I tried
Libranet v2.8.1, and that went well. From there I when to Ubuntu 5.10, and
now that same machine, a PII233 with 256MB RAM, is running Debian Etch -
successfully this time. I still consider myself just barely a beginner.

A couple weeks ago I started helping Chad with the Linux Basement podcasts
by contributing a news section. I hope you a subscribed, and enjoying our

That's it for now. Keep smiling, and those thumbs up!
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