[dundee] user mount locations

Nistur nistur at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 25 14:48:31 GMT 2008

I'm sorry, I wrote the post when I was very tired and was being 
deliberately vague as I knew my project was a pointless endeavor and I 
didn't know if I'd continue with it. Basically I'm writing a script to 
mount a loopback filesystem (probably ext3) temporarily, run the 
contents (by default the same as the name of the loopback file) and 
unmount it, basically I think I'm going to use it for backing up my 
previous projects more neatly as I can keep them as one "file" and still 
run and edit them without having to go through the whole untar, make 
changes/run, re-tar etc.
I have tried in a 777 directory, I've made sure the loopback file is 777 
(777 just for testing, would be reduced once it worked) it's still 
saying that only root may mount.

Kris Davidson wrote:
> Okay I think I understand what your asking but I might not and this
> might not be helpful or what you want to do.
> but provided the user has access to the mounted files, why not give
> the user rwx access to the directory/mount point or just create and
> delete a directory in the users home folder.
> Again apologies if I'm being glib and missing the point
> Kris
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