[dundee] Taylug Weekly Articles 4 - Red Hat: A New Linux Nerd

gordon dunlop astrozubenel at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 5 22:50:15 GMT 2008

The present CEO of Red Hat, the world's biggest Linux company,
resigned due to illness within his family:



His successor is a top businessman and a self-professed geek:



I like this as you do not want a geek without business sense nor do
you want a business man with no geek sense. I think this man will do
well, what is important to Linux users is that if Red Hat don't do
well it has a knock on effect on other Linux companies. Whilst
Canonical and Ubuntu are going great on the desktop (long may it
live), Red Hat are the main rebel Linux Corps on the Enterprise front
(contributes a lot to the Linux Kernel). So the tactical battle is
whilst Red Hat and Google bears the main brunt of the Linux/Microsoft
battle, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions can work flankers around
the Microsoft army.


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