[dundee] re:helo

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 12 10:31:50 GMT 2008

Good Advice Jacek,

I've sent them pem file as i knew what Andy was asking for, i wrote the
howto guide and used one of my old domains whilst i wrote the draft.

I was hoping the uni would have hosted it for us, but yet to no avail.

However if i wasn't about and if there wasn't as many airconnect users
here, your bang on right.  TBH i remember as i'm sure a few do here
about how hard it was for you to get helpful advice, and the learning
curve you undertook to get the answers you where looking for.  I think
not just for new users but for the more experienced here as well, if you
could sum it up for a flash talk or something, it would be good for
everyone to learn from your experience.  New users can learn how to get
useful info of your machine for fixing purposes, and experienced users
can understand how difficult it can sometimes be to do the things their
asking for.

let me know what you think?


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