[dundee] Bruce Perens Petition

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 14:22:28 GMT 2008

On 19/03/2008, gordon dunlop <astrozubenel at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Bruce is having a petition on the Open Source Initiative (OSI) for to
>  be a candidate on the board. if you have seen Revolution O.S. you will
>  know who he is (former Debian Project Leader).
>  http://techp.org/p/7/
>  I have signed, check at the bottom of the web page.

I've always thought Bruce was a pretty decent guy and without a doubt
someone who's been instrumental in the FLOSS movement.  I appreciate
his stand against vendor-excesses too, but, who are the other
candidates for the board position??

It's a little dissapointing that Bruce doesn't even mention who they are.


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