[dundee] Taste the bitterness

Kris Davidson davidson.kris at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 19:53:14 GMT 2008

Wow, I know the Internet has its share of well lets call them unique
individuals. These posts however are almost as bitter or retarded as a
Youtube comment.

http://jkeating.livejournal.com/54141.html (Odd for Livejournal but
hes not cutting himself)

http://forums.lugradio.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4017 (Discussion of posts)

These feed in to what I've been saying about the Linux community doing
itself no favours, its okay to joke amongst friends but distro bashing
or using 14-year-old colloquialisms like M$, Windoze or Winblows just
makes us look bad to everyone else.


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