[dundee] Rainbow Tables - Slides in .pdf download
Iain Barnett
iainspeed at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 19:55:57 UTC 2008
Thanks, helpful pdf. I wanted to come along to this (and the Erlang
talk) but was prevented by some last minute babysitting, both times.
I'm held back by my boundless generosity ;)
I (re)implemented the password and credit card security at my last
place - they hadn't even heard of salts*. Or good practice, but
that's a long story, due to the sheer amount of bad practice they
were involved in!
Btw, the reverse of 1 + 1 = 2 is 2 - 1 = 1 ;)
*except on chips
On 27 Oct 2008, at 4:40 pm, Arron Finnon wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> For any of you that are interested here at the slides from the rainbow
> tables talk the other night
> http://thelinuxsociety.org.uk/content/rainbow-tables-slides-from-talk
> I've done a HPR episode on it too, i'll post the link and the show
> notes when thay are ready to go live
> Arron
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