[dundee] SFD, Fidel Castro, HPR, and t-shirts what title for this post

arron finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 6 13:30:31 UTC 2008

Hi Guys,

Well some news, not all of it good, but not all of it bad.  Firstly it has
been decided that this years freshers fair will be held on two different
days this year, one for Societies and associations and the other day for
business, both dates are after Software Freedom Day. (grrrrrrr..........)

So nothing we can do about it, however Tim Spencer is making head way with
regards to us having a slot when all the 1st year Computing Students when
the head of school addresses them, the HMC is also going to be pushing to
the students as well.  We have Posters and flyer's being designed and
printed so they should be ready for us Tuesday.

Some wicked news, as most of you know i do a little bit with HPR (
hackerpublicradio.org) and they have kindly agreed for us to be able to
record the talks and have them for download after the event through HPR.  So
not only will we be able to have the sub-domain site for after the event
with the presentations and notes, and links, but we will also be able to
have the download of the talk, which personally i think is pretty awesome,
and it hopefully will mean that we get more people engaging with us after
the event.  On that note i'm going to do a little presuming that no one
objects, if you do then drop me a line.  In the end, the HPR community will
be able to share in our day, as will anyone that misses any of the talks or
wants to go back and listen to them.  I'm also going to be doing a segment
for our American buddy Chad over at the Linux Basement as well, so we should
be getting plenty of exposure by the end of this.

I'm a little behind with the sub-domain but i'm getting there, and Thanks to
Gordon C for his efforts.  Talking of Gordon's (weak link i know but you
have to take what you get) the gov'nor Gordon D is doing personlised
t-shirts for the event, i believe you can even have your own name if you ask
nicely, if not then you shall be know as Arron (which personally i would
avoid like the plague, but i have no choice) if your wanting one then drop
him a line, and Gordon please put me down for one for Freshers and one for
SFD, you can use my name or any other name you think is appropriate (maybe
dafty, or numpty, finux, or el'presidente, if you use the later this will
mean that i need to wear my Fidel Castro hat i have no objections to this,
but from time to time i will require everyone to shout viva el'presidente)
i'm a medium, i know you'll not belive me, but i have lost some beef over
the past two years, however i'm working hard on getting back

I have a 100 blank discs for the event, to spin our SFD Dundee version of
Ubuntu.  I have also been delivered a side blow, the lab that i would have
used to burn 20 or so discs at a time, has had all of it's drives changed to
cd-rom and i'm on the hunt for a lab with 20 or so CD-RW if not then i think
we'll need to ask people very nicely to burn 10 each or something, but i'll
know more next week.

As agreed at the last meeting, will everyone have their introductions to
their talk ready for the next meeting (11th)

Gary Short is doing the talking heads movie for us, cas he's a legend if you
know what i mean!  So i think the idea is to have a wee think about what
floats you boat in free software and what you want to share with the world
about it, and share it with us on after the meeting on the 11th.

The Stephen Fry video thingy majiggy is also being shown now as well, which
if anyone has watched he does a pretty good job.

Strange question to ask, but as network access for the event, there isn't
anyone that requires a some strange port opened?  I've told them Internet
access would surfice.

I think that's everything

Arron Finnon

Linux Society

SFD 20th September 2008
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