[dundee] SFD kit has been dispatched

Daniel Lamb daniel.lamb at openyourwindows.com
Mon Aug 17 22:45:29 UTC 2009

Is it worth while making our own special version of the opendisc which 
has more software as I was explaining on Thursday night the opendisc 
doesnt really put to much on it, I think I have a good list of 
opensource software for Windows and Mac which we could compile on cds. 
and I can host it on the web after it. What does everyone think?


Arron Finnon wrote:
> Just noticed too, i said purchase 15 from the SFD stores you can only
> purchase by the looks of it in either quantities of 1 or 10
> 1  	$9.79
> 10 	$72.36
> 2009/8/17 Arron Finnon <afinnon at googlemail.com>:
>> Hi Guys,
>> Just received an email saying that SFD supplies have been dispatched.
>> As you can see bit short on t-shirts and OpenEducation DVD's, and no
>> OpenCD either, however man did they not let us have some Ubuntu Disc's
>> burnt, should actually cover us for Software Freedom Day, and for the
>> Freshers Faye.
>> * 3 x T-shirts
>>  * 20 x balloons
>>  * 1 x OpenEducation DVDs
>>  * 120 x Ubuntu 9.04 CDs
>> I've managed to get commitments for £500 pounds of sponsorship for the
>> event, to help with the production of goodie bags for the visitors and
>> to make sure that all the volunteers have t-shirt for the event.  The
>> issue that i have and i'm open to suggestions, however i will need to
>> make a decision on this soon, is either to purchase another 15 from
>> SFD stores or to have designed the a special one for the Dundee event.
>>  The £500 is primarily for Goodie bags, and a lagre chunk of that will
>> need to go towards produce some items for people to take away, so
>> maybe some badges printed up, some more CD's burnt, and pens and
>> keyring's that sort of stuff, however i think its important to have
>> the speakers and volunteers wearing a T-Shirt the signals they are
>> involved with the event, it worked for most people very well last
>> year.  I think it fair to say we probably need around 20, there is 10
>> speakers for starters and then by the time you take the people from
>> here that have volunteered and the staff from the HMC i think that
>> would be another 10.
>> Like i say feel free to discuss it if you want, happy to take peoples
>> views.  BUT i will need to make decision over the next couple of days,
>> to make preparations so that they are here by the 19th
>> Arron
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