[dundee] OT: 2 spare tickets to see Dragonforce tonight.

Sean McRobbie lug at seany.us
Fri Dec 4 16:21:21 UTC 2009

!!! Yes !!!

...If my girlfriend allows it :( Will get back to you.

Nice offer, cheers :)

Sean McRobbie

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert McWilliam" <rmcw at allmail.net>
To: "Tayside Linux User Group" <dundee at lists.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Friday, 4 December, 2009 3:08:09 PM
Subject: [dundee] OT: 2 spare tickets to see Dragonforce tonight.

This is wildly off topic for this list, but on the theory that there
seems to be a greater proportion of metal fans among geeks than the
general population (and me having no way of communicating with the
general population of Dundee):

I've developed two spare tickets to see Dragonforce[1] at Fat
Sam's tonight.

So, anybody is interested in coming to see some energetic metal?

[1] http://www.dragonforce.com/
Robert McWilliam     rmcw at allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

The opinions expressed herin are not necessarily those of my 
employer, not necessarily mine, and probably not necessary.

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