[dundee] Those pesky KDE devs...just a moan

Digit (SG) digit.siljrath at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 11 03:54:48 UTC 2009

it's late, eyelids r heavy, n my fingers wanna reply.  :D

*Robert: " I think I shall go no further with KDE4 - requiring a per-user
mysql installation that is used merely for caching has a WTF-rating that
off the scale.
"gordon: " I take it he is running Win7 and is future-proofing it until Win8
comes along , compared to this KDE 4.4 is still a saint."
on the scale (or off, as the case may be), if KDE4 is a mountain, the
windozes are the planet.
i wonder if there's some causality to the correlation between user base
sizes and bloatware sizes.   clearly, if u want a one size fit's all, the
dumb logic seems to point to bigger being the only way to fit all

sean: "32GB"*

:O    i could run my virtual machine host os and it's clients from that much
ram.   mmm copy2ram.  i love it when a distro comes with copy2ram option.

sean: "even just firefox" ... "ajax" "flash"

*yep.  i've taken to calling it fatfox.   even after installing *swiftfox*,
and addons: *betterprivacy, ghostery, noscript, adblock & flashblock*, it
still manages to chew up the biggest chunk of my ram most of the time.
^ i recommend that procedure to improve firefox, both for speed and
security.   more essential than even a lightweight compact theme, compact
menu, firebug, video download helper, and illimitux!  (though they're worthy

sorry if there's any kde4 fans here.   ... not for what i'm about to say.
i'm just sorry there's kde4 fans here.  ;p
but kde4, seriously... it's like... if it aint broke dont fix it, n once
it's broke, go use the one that isnt broke

(saying broke alot is funny).

2009/12/10 Robert Ladyman <it at file-away.co.uk>

> > At the minute the Windows 7 kernel appears to be on par with Linux. The
> UI
> >  is certainly not the best for power users however on the plus side it
> >  doesn't have any extra bloat added after the initial release - there is
> >  nothing worse than running a few updates to find something like Akonadi
> >  installed/required or suddenly having KMS enabled wasting hours upon
> hours
> >  trying to stop xorg crashing.
> >
> > I really like KDE4, but much like Robert I do not want some silly rubbish
> >  installed because the controlling 1% (figure pulled out of thin air) of
> >  the community thought it'd be useful to them.
> >
> > I want something minimal yet functional, easy to use and most importantly
> >  setup and forget: I have work to do. Perhaps its time I switch to
> >  Ubuntu................
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sean McRobbie
> >
> >
> Hear, hear....well, not the Ubuntu bit, obviously.
> I'm thinking of writing a few packages for KDE4:
> * akonadie - removes akonadi and anything like it, replacing it with a tiny
> stub
> * neposux - kills nepomux and all its little friends, replacing it with a
> stub
> * distemper - does the same for beagle.
> * strigil - cleans out strigi
> Replacing them with stubs means that kde would remain useful without all
> the
> sh*te that keeps getting added.
> --
> Robert Ladyman
> File-Away Limited, 32 Church Street, Newtyle
> Perthshire, PH12 8TZ SCOTLAND
> Registered in Scotland, Company Number SC222086
> Tel: +44 (0) 1828 898 158
> Mobile: +44 (0) 7732 771 649
> http://www.file-away.co.uk
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