[dundee] Website Meeting

Nicholas Walker tel0seh at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 4 19:13:59 UTC 2009

Hey guys, an update on the website meeting situation, I went in to book the
meeting today, and the woman I have to go through to book the room is on
holiday. I asked if there was anyone else that could help me, and I was told
I would have to wait, and that she would be back at work tomorrow. (aka
thursday). I'm going to book it for Thursday the 19th, at 7pm if the slot is

I chose this time because I wanted the time to be available to non students,
and also because most people said that work and times during the day were an
issue. The only other time that fitted well with most people was a friday
evening, or any point on a saturday. If the majority want me to change to
one of these times, that's not an issue.


Nick Walker
Vice President : The Linux Society
UAD Ethical Hacker
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