[dundee] Broadband Providers

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 6 00:41:00 UTC 2009

--- On Thu, 5/2/09, Andrew Clayton <andrew at digital-domain.net> wrote:
From: Andrew Clayton <andrew at digital-domain.net>
Subject: Re: [dundee] Broadband Providers
To: dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Date: Thursday, 5 February, 2009, 8:22 PM

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 12:16:35 +0000, Simon Wells wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I am considering changing my broadband provider from demon.net to
> something else. Does anybody have any suggestions for good providers?
> (I cannot get cable so will stick with ADSL for the time being).
> I am leaning towards ukfsn.org at the moment, they have scaleable
> bandwidth allowances so I don't get too penalised for heavy usage,
> just shifted up into the next band, and they actually have a way to
> track how much you have transferred, rather than surprising you with
> a restriction. Also their donation of profits to free software
> projects is having a large effect on my decision at the moment.
> Nevertheless, I thought that I would try here for more suggestions
> before making a final decision.

They are probably OK. At least the money goes to a good cause.

I use Andrews & Arnold http://aaisp.net.uk/, also one of the smaller
technical ISPs, plenty of ex demonites (myself included) are with them.
As well as Linux folks, like Alan Cox, David Woodhouse (and Dave Jones until 
he moved to the US). They'll give you blocks of static IPs, support IPv6
don't block or filter traffic/ports and don't force you through any
Just a nice a raw internet connection. Yes, they are not the cheapest, this 
is to discourage people who would use things like p2p all day long, they do
closely meter traffic usage , but provide you with detailed graphs to
show useage/latencies etc. http://aaisp.net.uk/kb-broadband-cqm.html

They are also pretty good at discovering problems within BT and
getting onto them to fix stuff. Oh and they actively support Linux and
use it extensively in their own network, including core routers.

They do business in very open maner. They have a USENET news group,
uk.net.providers.aaisp  A blog at http://aaisp.blogspot.com/ and an
IRC channel at irc://irc.nixhelp.org/A&A where employees of the
company (including the Director) hang out. 

They do go for the more technical user (of which you'd certainly
apply) but if your usage is likely to be including a lot of
bittorreting and p2p stuff etc, then they maybe aren't for you.


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wow, they sound great, So go for smaller ISP that want
your business.

It's a shame smallers isp don't have the buying power in terms of
bandwidth, so really they have no choice . Isp like virgin can
dictate the market, and therefore the price. But everything
else from them usually sucks. If you want to do anything apart
from surf the web,then there usually clueless.

If only some kind global transit network could come in and
save us from the telco's.... google...where are you?

I surprised how much bandwidth is costing at the moment,even
uk -- uk traffic, seems to be costing a fortune.

as network speeds increase, and networking equipment gets
cheaper, shouldn't you get more for your buck, not less?


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