[dundee] Script Kiddie attack: in which our intrepid heroes nearly die of laughter

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 13 13:50:32 UTC 2009

i thought cable providers only allowed one mac address, and if you changed it
you had to re register it. however i may be wrong.

--- On Thu, 12/11/09, gordon dunlop <astrozubenel at googlemail.com> wrote:

From: gordon dunlop <astrozubenel at googlemail.com>
Subject: Re: [dundee] Script Kiddie attack: in which our intrepid heroes nearly die of laughter
To: "Tayside Linux User Group" <dundee at lists.lug.org.uk>
Date: Thursday, 12 November, 2009, 14:57

2009/11/12 Iain Barnett <iainspeed at gmail.com>

On 12 Nov 2009, at 11:08, gordon dunlop wrote:

Well you tell me why my external IP address changed when I changed my router. This was at the time when I was testing the TayLUG website on my home server and I was having port forwarding problems with the first router. The consequence of changing routers meant that I had to change the IP settings on the DNS server to properly point to the TayLUG website on my home server.


unless it's on a static IP (which is unlikely since Gordon's not mentioned it), then it's entirely likely that a new address would be given out if there was any time between the release and the renew, and if the new router had a different MAC address.

It's DHCP, innit.

Virgin Media cable ties the IP address to the customers hardware MAC address. When you use a different router that has a different MAC address than the IP/MAC address pair that is registered in the database does not match, then a new IP address is automatically issued. The good thing about this is that as long as your router holds good you are practically getting a static IP address which is great for running a home server operating personal (non-commercial) websites etc. Because I had only been with Virgin for just over a year, I was asking previously about how long people have had the same IP address hoping to get the reply "I have had the same IP address for 5 years" or whatever. 




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