[dundee] [Fwd: FW: Seccubus press release..]

Arron M Finnon finux at finux.co.uk
Sat Nov 21 10:25:34 UTC 2009

AutoNessus is changing its name, press release forwarded

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	FW: Seccubus press release..
Date: 	Wed, 18 Nov 2009 18:39:13 +0100
From: 	Frank Breedijk <FBreedijk at schubergphilis.com>


For publication after 19 November 17:00 GMT+1


AutoNessus has a new name: Seccubus


Since it became apparent that the next version of AutoNessus was going
to outgrow the reference to Nessus, Tennable’s Network Security Scanner,
due to the inclusion of other scanners such as OpenVAS, NMAP and Nikto,
the author of the program, Frank Breedijk, decided to start a contest
for a new name.


On the 19^th of November Frank Breedijk announced that Jason Mansfield,
who runs the website http:/clinicallyawasome.com, has won the contest by
sending in the name Seccubus. A bottle of Vueve Clinquot champaing will
be sent to him shortly.


The author has provided the following explanation of the name Seccubus:


Seccubus is a mythical creature that helps security professionals
analyze and report the results of, repeated, vulnerability scans. Like
its distant cousins the Succubus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus)
and Incubus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus) the Seccubus is also
a creature of the night. At night, or any other scheduled time, the
Seccubus draws its energy from repeatedly performing vulnerability scans
 of infrastructures until the vulnerabilities become exhausted or die.

The Inseccubus is the male counterpart of the Seccubus. While the
Inseccubus draws his life energy from the assessor by repeatedly
requiring him to (re-)analyse the same findings, the Seccubus get her
energy from pleasing the assessor by reducing the number of findings by
means of delta reporting.


The name Seccubus was chosen from a list of over 50 ideas sent after the
contest was announced via the AutoNessus.com website, Hacker Public
Radio (http://www.hackerpublicradio.com
<http://www.hackerpublicradio.com/>), Paul dot com
(http://www.pauldotcom.com <http://www.pauldotcom.com/>) and various
other social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


“I wanted a name that was completely different from AutoNessus” said
Frank Breedijk, explaining why suggestions like AutoVAS and AutoVAMP
where turned down. Other suggestions where turned down because their
name was already taken on media like twitter (e.g. VAsak, Vulnerability
Assessment Swiss Army Knife) or “simply because I didn’t like them”
(e.g. Mick Douglass is awesome).


Now that the new name has been announced the “rebranding” will be
complete before the end of the year. The website www.seccubus.com
<http://www.seccubus.com/> is already live but still points to the
AutoNessus.com site. Also Frank’s twitter account, @autonessus, will be
renamed to @seccubus soon.


The response to the renaming contest was overwhelming and we would like
to thank everybody who participated.

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Arron "finux" Finnon

Finux.co.uk/blog - Twitter.com/f1nux - facebook.com/finux

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