[dundee] Pushing SSH Certs

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 10:24:35 UTC 2009

Here's a great function I just found whilst digging around some bash configs.

It pushes your ssh public key to the specified hosts (for passwordless
login) and if there isn't an ssh keypair on your box, it'll create
one.  This is one of those utility functions that I've been meaning to
write for years....  With the proliferation of servers and VM's I deal
with this is gonna be mega handy.

# Push SSH public key to remote servers
push_ssh_cert() {
    local _host
    test -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub || ssh-keygen -t rsa
    for _host in "$@";
        echo $_host
        ssh $_host 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

You know the drill... drop it in your .bashrc, resource with .
~/.bashrc and run like so:

rick at lechuck:~ $ push_ssh_cert blackbeard.local

Anybody got any other handy bash snippets?


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