[dundee] laptop mode power saving

azmodie azmodie at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 01:40:59 UTC 2009

stolen from this thread :

Open box 2.x was originally based on the blackbox code, just like fluxbox.
the main difference was that Openbox 2.x didn't have tabs, originally had
better antialised font support, and had the key-grabber as a separate
process rather than built into the main executable like flux. flux had some
things such as slit ordering (controlling the order things load into the
slit), automatic window grouping. The taskbar in Openbox 2.x behaved
differently that the Fluxbox - most people who used Openbox 2.x turned off
the taskbar.

The new Openbox 3 is a complete rewrite. It contains no blackbox code or
code from any other WM. It still has no tabs and never will have them. It
now uses XML based config files and a slightly different
theming engine format. it was designed first to be stable and standards
compliant (it complies with the opendesktop standards in every way (is a
drop in replacement for Metacity under gnome). Openbox 3 has no taskbar.

Fluxbox is still based on the same codebase as before (blackbox).
also noted supposable better anti-aliased fonts and faster render engine.

openbox does not come with a app tray or task bar meaning you can run
whatever one you want. eg. tint2, trayer, pypanel, lxdebar etc..

another link on tabs in window managers

the "why tabs in a WM suck" debate (

NOTE:  these are not my veiws. I have not used fluxbox but have fallen in
love with openbox + tint2 as installed on crunchbang linux
http://www.crunchbang.org whichis based on the cli install (mini iso) +
crunchbang install script. or precompiled live iso.  Hence forth these
packages are in the ubuntu repositories. and the repositories for most other

note these are not the only two light wieght window managers. some other
examples would be
awsome, lxde, mosit, xfce, Enlightenment etc... (loads more including that
one begining with M that rick was talking about a wee while ago)

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