[dundee] next meeting

Nicholas Walker tel0seh at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 10 12:44:55 UTC 2010

Hey guys,

I've travelled home to visit my family for a few days, with plans to travel
back on wednesday well within time for a meeting, however these plans have
fallen through and I'll be unable to return until friday afternoon. If
someone else wants to host the meeting that's great and I encourage it, if
someone steps up to the plate, I'll book the room for you guys. If not, I'd
imagine plenty of people would still want to meet in the counting house for
a pint or 4.

The next meeting after my return will be solely dedicated to sorting out
software freedom day. I've already begun organising, and dont see many
problems arising, the biggest issue right now is finding enough people to
give talks. Remember, its the communities event, it need the whole community
involved to make it successful.


Nick Walker
President : The Linux Society
UAD Ethical Hacker
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