[dundee] Noob Programming Question

Gary Short gary at garyshort.org
Mon Mar 15 15:37:10 UTC 2010

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone here can give me some help. What I'm trying to do
is to run curl and pipe the output to file1, then after a time t, stop curl
and restart it piping it's output to file2 and so on to fileN, so that I can
use another script to process the files, something like this...

On system_startup:
   If args[0]:
      Ctr = args[0]
      Ctr = 1
   Start curl > /usr/home/gary/results/date_today/file + ctr
   While true:
      When time_up:
         Stop curl
         If date_today changes:
            Ctr = 1
            Ctr = ctr + 1
         Start curl > /usr/home/gary/results/date_today/file + ctr

I also need a script to monitor this first one so that if it dies it can be
restarted, something like...

If script_is_not_running:
   Arg = digits_at_end_of_newest_file
   Run script arg

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this on Ubuntu
8.04.3 LTS?

Thanks in advance,


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