[dundee] Emacs and org-mode

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Fri May 14 12:08:32 UTC 2010

Hi Nistur,

I think there are solutions to all these issues.  Firstly I'd
recommend posting to the org-mode mailing list, it's incredibly
helpfull, and if org-mode doesn't have a feature you require, it'll
likely gain it shortly after you ask!

On 14 May 2010 11:59, Nistur <nistur at googlemail.com> wrote:
> The first and most important thing is, when exporting, is there any
> way to put text before the contents page?
> I thought I could manage this with #+TEXT but it didn't want to do that.

I think you need to use +TEXT: (note the colon),  but could be wrong
(I'm writing this from someone else's machine, which sadly doesn't
have Emacs on).  Either way this is certainly possible and should
work... What are you exporting to, HTML or LaTEX?

> Secondly, is there any way to get it to force linebreaks? I have some
> long URLs that go more than 1 line and rather than wrapping they just
> keep going off the page...
> I have considered tinyurl'ing them but it seems a little awkward.

Yes, I think double backslash forces line breaks, i.e \\ , but if
you're exporting to HTML I'd recomend just making links out of your
HTML, or using footnotes, e.g. [[http://mylinkhere.com/][text here]];
if you need the URL literally in the export, how does org export it if
you do: [[http://link.com][http://link.com]] ?

> Lastly, one of the urls has a home directory in it
> (http://staff.science.uva.nl/~awitzel/papres/papers.php?download=2008-10_AIIDE
> which ironically is the only URL which _does_ wrap) but org-mode
> exports the directory to be āwitzel. Any way of stopping that?
> Actually, apparently the guy changed to NYU and that URL doesn't have
> a tilde in it, best update my reference. Still would be interesting to
> know if I could stop that.

Take a look at: http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-options.html , I
think you need the following line at the top of your org file to
switch off the special character export... Though the URL trick above
"might" work too.

#+OPTIONS:  -:nil


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