[dundee] Copiers have hard drives?

azmodie azmodie at gmail.com
Sat May 15 00:25:09 UTC 2010

you mean its a all singing all dancing and it doesent have a man page


On 15 May 2010 00:51, Paul Lancaster <paul_lancaster at blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 09:36 +0200, Axel wrote:
> > Interesting, but why they have a hard disc? I mean from a technical
> > point it isn't necessary. If it necessary to store a document
> > temporarily, it can store into the RAM and after switching off the
> > machine all sensible data past away.
> >
> Our new all singing all dancing copiers / fax /scanner / printers, allow
> users to send jobs to the printer, but for confidentiality, do not print
> until the user is at the printer and enters a pin number. Also means if
> you print something in error, just dont go and collect it, as all jobs
> are wiped after 24hrs.
> They also scan to PDF and allow and work as an ftp server to allow you
> to transfer the scan to your PC later.
> Faxes are scanned to hard drive then transmitted after (via phone line
> or via TCP/IP to another networked printer).
> Data on the hard drive is encrypted - can say to what level, suppose I
> should read the manual - ive heard that before.
> Paul
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