[dundee] Emacs and org-mode

Robert McWilliam rmcw at allmail.net
Tue May 18 14:09:03 UTC 2010

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 02:38:26PM +0100, Nistur wrote:
> Rawr. Ok, I have my completed dissertation in org-mode (with some
> embedded LaTeX) I have a list of references in a BibTex file... WHAT
> NOW? :S:S:S
> How do I get these linked? How do I compile them? Arghh Panic!
> I have manual compilation steps that say that I run:
> latex Dissertation
> bibtex Dissertation
> latex Dissertation
> latex Dissertation
> Which is all cool, I can do that... but I'd prefer not to have to do
> it manually every time as I'm still editing (yay last minute!) and may
> need to recompile a couple of times. Anyone know how to get
> org-export-as-pdf to link them? Rawr. My google-fu has left me :(

I'm not entirely sure; my approach is to work in org to plan a
document and then export to latex and do the last of the writing from
that so compilation is controlled by make files. 

You should be able to get emacs to run everything needed though. I
think exporting to latex rather than pdf and putting the latex->pdf
compilation steps into org-export-latex-final-hook with call-process
should work.

If you're building a pdf version to hand in pdflatex is probably the
easiest way rather than latex->dvi->pdf.

Robert McWilliam            rmcw at allmail.net             www.ormiret.com

Conscious is when you are aware of something and conscience is when
you wish you weren't.

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