[dundee] Dundee Historical Tour - Thursday the 10th - 7pm

Arron 'Finux' Finnon finux at finux.co.uk
Tue Feb 8 09:53:05 UTC 2011

Hi Guys,

Just to remind you all folks, that there is a meeting on this Thursday
but in a break from the norm it is a historical tour of Dundee by Dr T
Cox.  This was very popular the last time and a night not to be missed.


The tour will be covered out of society funds so no need to worry for
all you poor students.  It is open to everyone, so please feel free to
bring guests, in fact the more the merrier.

So 7pm (#) outside the university please folks.  Wrap up warm, and of
course be prepared for a bleather and a beer afterwards.  If you have
any questions just drop me a line.

In addition all those that need to get their society membership sorted
then grab me at the walk too.


Arron "finux" Finnon

Finux.co.uk - Twitter.com/f1nux - facebook.com/finux

PGP: http://finux.co.uk/finux.asc

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