[dundee] CMS for documentation?

Christopher Wyllie cgwyllie at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 16:04:19 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone can suggest a tool to manage user documentation
online in a nice coherent fashion? I've looked at a lot of wikis and they
are functionally very good but (usually) visually appalling. Ideally I'm
looking for something that can provide the following:

   - Easy to integrate Images and possibly video content
   - Source code highlighting for code snippets
   - Hierarchical chapters/categories
   - Searchable by keyword
   - Tables of contents generated for each page based on headings/sub
   - Easy to change the theme/default look
   - Multiple output formats (HTML, PDF)

I've tried setting up dokuwiki but found its themes to be quite messy and
broken from version to version.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Many thanks,
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