[dundee] On offer...

Colin Brough Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jun 10 15:35:17 UTC 2011


Having setup the (oft mentioned, sorry!) micro-server, I realised it
had a couple of SATA disk bays. Snaffled the drives from a couple of
NAS boxes I had lying around hardly used, and popped them in.

Leaving me with a couple of empty NAS enclosures...

  - Buffalo LinkStation Live

  - Synology DS-106

Anyone who thinks they might want to play with these is very welcome
to come by and pick them up... The Synology is probably a brick, as
though it ran Linux I forgot to image the OS partition on the disk
when I reformatted it in the new server.

The LinkStation can reputedly be made to run Linux, and I also made
ISOs of the two existing OS partitions, plus noted down how the disk
was partitioned. Whether this is enough to get it working again with a
new disk, I'm not sure. I never got round to putting Linux on the
LinkStation, to my shame, and never used it as much as I would have if
I could have rsync'd files over to it, with permissions... It has an
external USB port.


I also inherited an old Akasa external disk enclosure with USB
connector and 120Gb IDE drive; some of the drive fixing screws are
missing, so it "rattles" a bit, and I've a surfeit of disk space
available, so whoever takes the NAS enclosures can have this too!




Rev Colin Brough
Fintry Parish Church of Scotland, Dundee
Scottish Charity Number: SC020742

Colin Brough                             Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk

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