[dundee] giffgaff plug

Arron 'Finux' Finnon finux at finux.co.uk
Thu May 19 08:13:46 UTC 2011

On 18/05/11 23:04, James Carter wrote:
> I've been quite happy with the deal and it is slightly interesting and
> relevant to open source marketing, I'm sorry I offended you if that's
> what you two meant!

I'm sorry you haven't offended me more!!!!  We're use to a level far
greater than your currently displaying.  My advice if your looking to
offend people is stick to tried and tested "Ubuntu Vs Fedora", or
"Debain is better than Arch....." these seem to generate a level of

Good luck with your telco i have come to seem them as all in the same,
however i have come across giffgaff before its a nice idea.  In addition
i think it maybe fair to point out you did mention that this post was a

So man up Carter, if your going to offend me try telling me
"security/hacking is a fad!" ;)

Arron "finux" Finnon

Finux.co.uk - Twitter.com/f1nux - facebook.com/finux

PGP: http://finux.co.uk/finux.asc

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