[dundee] Ethical Hacker Course

Arron 'Finux' Finnon finux at finux.co.uk
Mon Apr 30 17:16:44 UTC 2012

Are the question about hacking course being any good, short answer NO.  
if it takes 5 days to learn then its not worth it.  However that's 
actually not a fair answer.

The bigger question is, what is it you want to learn from it?  If there 
is a specific goal then they maybe courses directed towards that 
specific interest (I.e. web app security, your end goal in the case is a 
lot different from if you wanted to secure VOiP servers)

The material you get on a lot of these 5 day course maybe of some 
interest though

I'm happy to give my thoughts on any particular courses if you like, 
please feel free to hit me up over the list or drop me a personal email.

On 30/04/12 17:05, Alan S Frost wrote:
> Hi All,
> Still listening in on the list.
> Could anyone recommend a good Ethical Hacker course? . I have looked 
> at various 5 day courses on the web but am unable to determine whether 
> these would be satisfactory, so thought I would "Ask the Experts" ;-)
> -- 
> regards
> Alan
> Alan Frost
> M: 	+44 (0)7962 086 228
> E: 	alan at biziserve.co.uk
> W: 	www.biziserve.co.uk <http://www.biziserve.co.uk>
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Arron "finux" Finnon

Finux.co.uk - Twitter.com/f1nux - facebook.com/finux

NodeZero Linux Penetration Testing Distribution

finux at netinfinty.org - netinfinity.org

PGP: http://finux.co.uk/finux.asc

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