[dundee] Any interest in Drupal?

Robert Ladyman it at file-away.co.uk
Wed Feb 15 08:51:36 UTC 2012

Dear Rob,

That sounds good - if you drop a line to Ryan 
(chairman at thesoftwaresociety.org.uk  or ry.ward91 at gmail.com) he can confirm 
and let you know the arrangements.


> Dear Dundee LUG
> I was wondering if there's any interest in Drupal within your group:
> Either setting up a local Drupal User Group
> and/or, me giving a 60 minute presentation on Drupal
> I'm part of 'Drupal Scotland' (http://groups.drupal.org/scotland) and
>  helping to organising this year's DrupaCamp (Edinburgh 25/26 May). I've
>  been working with Drupal for almost 5 years now, and have given numerous
>  talks on it. Currently, the only Scottish user groups are in Glasgow and
>  Edinburgh and - as I moved to just outside Perth last year- I'm keen to
>  see if there's any interest a little closer to home.
> FYI an error is generated when trying to subscribe to the mailing list via
>  your embedded page http://dundeelug.org.uk/index.php/TayLUG_Mailing_List -
>  maybe others are getting the same problem too. Only way to subscribe is
>  via https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo
> Rob
> @robertgcarr

R J Ladyman, for and on behalf of:-
The Software Society Limited
3 Ralston Business Centre, Newtyle, Blairgowrie
Perthshire  PH12 8TL SCOTLAND
Tel: +44 (0) 1828 898 158
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A Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered in Scotland, Company Number SC413286

Registered Office: 32 Church Street, Newtyle, Blairgowrie
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