[dundee] Fwd: C Foundations

Rick Moynihan rick.moynihan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 23:36:58 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I appreciate it's quite far but some of you might be interested to hear
that a friend of mine is running a course on C Programming at the
Manchester Madlab.

If you've always wanted to learn C, then this is a great chance to learn
from a very experienced C developer; who's been tirelessly working over the
past few months to develop this incredible 2 day course.


Hope you're all doing well!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natalie Whittaker <office at madlab.org.uk>
Date: 21 February 2012 20:30
Subject: C Foundations
To: MadLab-organisers <madlab-organisers at googlegroups.com>

Dear MadLab organizers,

Omniversity has added a new course you and the members of your group
might be interested in. A hands-on introductory course to the C
programming language called C Foundations run by Ian Johnson takes
place on the 14th and 15th of April.

C is one of the most ubiquitously used languages of all time due to
the number of platforms for which compilers are available. Since its
inception in 1969, and appearance in 1972 it has been the influence
for other languages, e.g. C++, Objective-C, Java and C#, and can be
used to create performant yet small implementations. C is an
imperative and high-level language but allows programmers to achieve
low-level activities easily; making hardware interfacing simple.
Programmers will benefit if you have an interest in:
       ▪       Boosting the performance of scripting language packages
       ▪       Developing and using cross-platform libraries for your own or
existing projects
       ▪       Implementing embedded systems
       ▪       Understanding or contributing to open-source operating
systems, or
       ▪       A wish to learn, or brush up on, one of the most widely used
programming languages

We expect that learners will have some programming experience; either
hobbyists or some experience with other languages. You will have some
understanding and feel for how programs are executed, and how to
identify bugs in your programs.

The fee of the course is £200. Please bring a laptop computer with
Windows, Linux or Mac OS installed.

Ian Johnson is a software engineer and has used C both professionally
and as a hobbyist since learning the language over 20 years ago. He
has developed small projects, using C, and enterprise products with
100s of thousands of lines of code. Ian also has an interest in
embedded systems and has used C to control small electronic projects
using PIC mircocontrollers.

You can find more information here: http://s.madlab.org.uk/cfound1

Kind regards,
MadLab events coordinator
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