[dundee] Meeting on December 6th - The Upside-down-ternet, hosted by Gordon Gray

Chairman The Software Society chairman at thesoftwaresociety.org.uk
Wed Nov 28 19:58:00 UTC 2012

Evening dudes and dudettes,

It's just over a week till the next LUG meeting and this ones set to be 
another great evening!

Here are the details, use them anyway you see fit -
Next Meeting: December 6th @19:00
              Gordon Gray - "The upside-down-ternet"
              @ The Burgh Coffee House, Commercial Street

And as always...
  If you have been, thanks for reading

Stuart McCulloch Anderson

The Software Society Limited
3 Ralston Business Centre,
Newtyle, Blairgowrie, Perthshire,

Mobile: +44 (0) 7787 432 476

A Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered in Scotland, Company Number SC413286

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