[dundee] Web Workshop #003: Hybrid Mobile Application Development and the MEAN Stack

Paul Sutherland newsonthegrapevine at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 12:42:54 UTC 2015


It’s back! Tuesday, 20 January 2015 from 7pm to 10pm is the return of the Web Workshop.  Building upon the success of the Indie Web and OpenID workshops we return with workshop #003: Hybrid Mobile application development and the MEAN development stack. Tickets are free and available here. <https://mean.eventbrite.co.uk/>

MEAN web development is a collection of tools for developing Web Apps, Mobile Apps and Websites using JavaScript as the programming language on both the front-end and the back-end (aka Full-stack).

In this workshop I will take you through setting up your development environment, from setting up a version control system, discuss the history of JavaScript the programming language and show you the best of the resources available for future study.  We will then dive into the MEAN stack which is NodeJS, MongoDB, AngularJS and ExpressJS.  

We will work through setting the stack up and get your first responsive MEAN application ready for world domination.

We will then move onto developing Hybrid Mobile Apps using the MEAN stack, before discussing and reviewing how we can mange the distribution of your apps in the Enterprise environment, before looking at the latest technology available for building REST Apis.

There will be a lot to cover, but don't worry if you have absolutely no experience as this workshop is for both novice and professional.  There will be a wide range of experienced people, from novice to guru, who will help you get up and running and get your first applications in place.

If you need help setting up a suitable environment, or need to get up to speed to join in, feel free to drop me questions, or drop into Dundee MakerSpace’s open night <https://www.dundeemakerspace.co.uk/events/maker-meetup/2015-01-12/> on a Monday evening from 6.30pm. We will happily walk you through getting up to speed and ready to join in.


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