[Nelug] Zen Internet problems...

Aidan Delaney adelaney at cs.may.ie
Tue Jan 25 12:41:28 UTC 2005

Hey all,
On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 12:23 +0000, James Le Cuirot wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 10:57:52 -0000
> "A Pearson" <a.pearsonx at zen.co.uk> wrote:
> > I have been using Zen now for 15 months but on the dreaded Windows.  This
> > however is not on a router as I am using the basic Thomson Speedtouch USB
> > modem. Despite what people say I have found this modem totally reliable but
> > I realise it probably will not work on Linux.
> Think again!
> http://linux-usb.sourceforge.net/SpeedTouch/
On a similar note.  I have a BT Voyager 200 ADSL modem/router/NAT box.
It's got an Ethernet and USB interface.  The ethernet works out of the
box but whilst the USB is detected as a usbnet device it doesn't reply
to DHCP requests.

Anyway, I'd hate to lump anyone with BT.  I'll never pay them line
rental again after my current contract expires.  This is the only
country where I've had to pay line rental a whole quarter in advance.
Aidan Delaney   email: adelaney at cs.may.ie
                web:   http://www.cs.may.ie/~adelaney
                gpg:   http://www.cs.may.ie/~adelaney/public_key.asc
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