[Durham] another sort question - numbers in slashes

Dougie Nisbet dougie at highmoor.co.uk
Tue Nov 5 15:28:52 UTC 2013

I have a file in the format:

switchname  switchport  ipaddress stuff

and I'd like to sort it.

This is almost ok but I'm having problems with the switch bit, which is the


num3 can be from 1 to 24.

A normal sort works fine except that the output can contain this sort of

switch1  1/0/1  192.etc etc etc etc
switch1  1/0/2  192.etc etc etc etc
switch1  1/0/2  192.etc etc etc etc
switch1  1/0/12  192.etc etc etc etc
switch1  1/0/18  192.etc etc etc etc
switch1  1/0/4  192.etc etc etc etc
switch1  1/0/5  192.etc etc etc etc

I can't work out how to sort on the switchname and numerically sort on the
switchport. I don't know what I'm missing, but I'm missing it, whatever it

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