[Exeter] Visitors at next Exeter LUG Meeting

Andy Collyer andy at bowsoftware.co.uk
Wed Oct 3 14:25:15 UTC 2012

Well organised chief!

I can confirm I have six new USB keyboards and six new USB mice to donate.

See you there!

On 03/10/2012 13:45, Rick Timmis wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Just a quick update to let you know that representatives from Exwick 
> Ark will be visiting us at the upcoming meeting on Friday 12th 
> October, to introduce themselves and the Ark Pre-School to Exeter LUG.
> They will be providing a very short presentation about the school and 
> the services it provides in the community. There will also be 
> discussion about their requirements for Computers and what they hope 
> they'll be able to do with the systems that we build for them.
> Look forward to seeing you there
> Best Wishes
> Rick Timmis
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