[ExeterLUG] website - joomla and human friendly urls

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Sat Aug 17 22:52:59 UTC 2013

In Joomla as we are using this for the exeter lug site how do you turn


in to a proper human friendly url such as http://exeter.lug.org.uk/sfd

Wordpress can do this quite easily ,  I can't post that long url to
twitter + text to go with it,  while with the friendly url I can, (and
paste elsewhere)

thanks,  this would really help Dan out too who is currently maintaining
the site and trying to promote SFD so ideally this can be fixed ASAP so
anyone going to the site gets the right impression first time.






Software freedom day event - 21st September 2013  - http://exeter.lug.org.uk/

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