[ExeterLUG] Power Up Project (PUP)

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sat Mar 16 22:49:34 UTC 2013

On 16/03/13 16:36, Tom Brough wrote:
> For those that may be interested, I have put an outline of the Power Up
> Project (PUP) proposal on the Exeter LUG wiki:
> http://exeter.lug.org.uk/wiki/doku.php?id=powerupproject
> Tom.

Looks interesting.  As for the netbook screens, I'm not sure if they're 
the same but I read somewhere about someone making a 'briefcase' games 
console which used an old laptop display with a DVI to LVDS adaptor.

I think it was something along the lines of this: http://url.drogon.net/1e

It's about £25 from China.  Of course it's possible that it might not 
work, but I guess some Googling might give you an idea what sort of 
interface the screen has.  Looking at the adaptor it'll take DVI or VGA 


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