[ExeterLUG] Lug meets

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Fri Sep 6 20:49:06 UTC 2013

Reminder and request for show of hands please

Exeter Lug meet - Friday 13th September - Exwick community centre , 7:30
Devon and Cornwall meet (paignton) Sat 14th September - 14:30, centre
peace in Paignton meet in cafe area., I can't be there due to being in
Teignmouth for the rugby, sorry can't be helped,  but meeting is
arranged and can run with or without me.






Software freedom day event - 21st September 2013  - http://exeter.lug.org.uk/

I am committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable groups and expect any school or establishment I am involved with to share this commitment. 

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