[ExeterLUG] STEM Event at Tiverton

Rob Beard rob at mareandfoal.org
Mon Jan 27 00:08:29 UTC 2014

On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:05:47 +0100, Rick Timmis
<rick.timmis at abazander.com>
> Hello Everyone 
> Phil Parker from Tiverton school is holding a STEM
> Exhibition at Tiverton High School on the Evening of Thurs 6th Feb, and
> asked if the Exeter LUG would be prepared to go along and run a stand,
> showing off some of the things we do. 
> What do you think, folks, can we do
> something ? 

Not sure if I could make this one, it's a bit far from Torquay (plus
Tuesdays are one of the nights I'm not available, if it was a weekend and I
was car sharing then I'd have been more likely to make it).

Also, am I the only one who read this as STFM?  I thought it was some sort
of retro Atari ST computing event :-)


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