[ExeterLUG] Alphington LTSP Update

Rick.Timmis Rick.Timmis at Abazander.com
Thu Sep 18 07:24:17 UTC 2014

Daniel Smith <dan at todayintech.co.uk> wrote:           Good evening folks,

I hope that Friday's meeting went well and look forward to hearing what people got up to there as I could not make it.

I am emailing with an update on the Alphington LTSP Project and I am pleased to say that project is 90% done and it will be having it's first demo/use on Friday (19th)!

What is left to be done is:
Fit Wireless access points across building to ensure full signal
Install network socket into wall - This means that the group can then have the laptops in the middle of the hall if they so wish and the link to the switch will then come out of that socket, enabling the switch to be moved.
Configure logout scripts - This is so then any saved items will be removed to avoid clogging up the server.
We are hoping to add the following to the cupboard in which the server will be stored in:
Second double mains socket as the first one is taken up by the server and wireless router, this will enable us to plugin the network switch and keep those plugs inside the cupboard.
Shelf to keep the network switch stored on instead of on top of the server
Vent to enable good airflow in the cupboard
I will be going along on Friday to help assist Adrian in setting up the kit so they know what to do next time, Friday is the Chatterbox group where people can come along for a cup of tea and cake and it is popular amongst the community.

I will be writing some documentation for the setup and guide to use just like the Exwick centre have.

A huge amount of credit has to go to Rob on this project as he has assisted in the selection of kit, building the LTSP server and getting it going for us, this project would not be where it is now if it wasn't for Rob and his knowledge on LTSP, thanks Rob! :-)

+1 Well done Rob, another great job!

I will post on Friday with how the first use went.



Thank You Dan, you are an extraordinary young man, great Job

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