[Falkirk] BCS Edinburgh Linux events

Robert Lazzurs falkirk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 24 00:17:01 2002

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On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 08:48:32 +0100
m.r.quin@stir.ac.uk wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 03:13:03PM +0100 or thereabouts, Robert
> Lazzurs wrote:
> > Yea, sorry about that all, erm, there should have been a lug meeting
> > on thursday and with the lug master it was up to mike *prod* and I
> > to deal with setting it up, I appologize and there will be one next
> > month.
> Huh? Who died and put me in charge?

As far as I knew when murat is not around then it is up to the two of us
to do the lug master type stuff.

Take care - RL

MSN:lazzurs@everybuddy.com	|"All that is etched in stone
Yahoo:admroblaz AIM:admroblaz	|is truly only scribbled in
ICQ:66324927			|sand" - RL
Jabber:admroblaz@jabber.org	|Join Eff http://www.eff.org
e-mail:lazzurs@lazzurs.net	|Take care all - Rob Laz

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