[Falkirk] Now we are two

Jonathan Riddell falkirk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon May 12 17:46:01 2003

On Fri, 9 May 2003, Phil Ward wrote:

> Ooh, ooh, please sir, what's happening that's extra special sir?
> Please tell us sir. Don't leave us in suspenders sir.

Well since I'm probably moving back to Embra at the end of the month it
could well be the last Falkirk LUG unless someone else takes over
organising it (i.e. monthly cron job).

> On another note, weren't we two last month? ;-)

Brushing the dust off the FLUG history books I can see that the first
meeting was in May 2001 thus, to ignore the play on words in your
sentence and make full use of shocking gender stereotypes, I fully expect
Laura to bake us a birthday cake for next Thursday's meeting.

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Knoppix, GNU WIN II, anything downloadable.
