[Falkirk] BCS debriefing

Jonathan Riddell falkirk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 14 23:12:18 2003

Tonight's BCS meeting in Edinburgh involved Steven Tweedie of Red Hat
debating with some bloke from Microsoft.  Steven talked about open source
software, Microsoft man talked about commercial software and neither
pointed out that Red Hat is both open sauce and commercial.

Phil quietly distributed Knoppix and GNUWIN CDs in a bid to subvert the
Microsoft employees.  One of the Microsoft emplyees bought us all a round
of drinks to show they're not all bad.  Drochaid/Calum somehow argued in
agreement with the Microsoft man that the GPL restriced your freedom (not
sure how he did that, but he did).  Martine of BCS insisted that there was
a reason for the BCS's existance, but wanted to run a joint event with
scottish LUGs to justify it.  And Kyle gave us all a life home at 95MPH.
Plus I seemed to have ended up with a bottle of wine.  My BCS membership
at work there.

Is anyone going to Falkirk LUG tomorrow (Thursday) evening?  Ron March for
example...    Otherwise not much point in me going.  Speak up now!

Jonathan Riddell