[Falkirk] Flug Meeting

Robert Lazzurs rob at lazzurs.net
Sun May 11 02:31:56 BST 2008

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 10:15 PM, Neil Paterson
<njcpaterson at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> Oh damn... Thanks to Virgin Media not letting me use a strong pop3 password,
> I've not been getting these LUG messages for several weeks (long story...).
> I take it this meeting did go ahead - if so, any news of more meetings etc?
> Thanks,

Hello Neil,

Yes this meeting went ahead and was fun :)

The next meeting will be happening on the first Tuesday of next month
(3rd Jun) and we are most likely going to be in the Goose again.  If
you would be able to make it along that would be great.

Take care.

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