[Falkirk] Call for short talks - August

Greg Sutcliffe greg.sutcliffe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 20:26:54 UTC 2012

On 24 July 2012 01:21, Greg Sutcliffe <greg.sutcliffe at gmail.com> wrote:
> A few people have come forward but we still have plenty of space for
> more. Now's the perfect time to have a chance to do something short
> rather than having to fill a whole half hour. I know you guys aren't
> that shy, so get your titles in quick :)

1 week to go guys. Those who have already volunteered - thanks! If you
could get your slides (if you have any) to me in an OpenOffice
friendly format, or send me the display link if you're using a web
presentation tool (the Wheatsheaf has wifi, fortunately). If you can
that over to me by Sunday, that will enable me to organise the talks
ahead of time, and let you all know what the schedule will be.

To everyone else - there's still time :). Ping me if you want to talk,
on anything at all.


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