[Glastonbury] spam filter

Martin WHEELER mwheeler at startext.co.uk
Sat Nov 1 21:49:11 GMT 2003

Just another reminder to all posters to this list -- we have a vicious
spam filter installed, which is very, very STRICT.

So could you please all make sure you have HTML coding turned  O F F
when you post -- otherwise I spend all my time looking to see why mail
has been trapped.

Please don't just bang off a reply to the list without thinking, from
your favourite Lookout! mail agent -- abysmally low standards and
bloated communications may be acceptable elsewhere, but not in the Linux

If you're a civil servant, and firing up MSWord to write a 2-word "I
agree" e-mail in multi-coloured 42-pt HTML is second nature to you,
please think of taking up semaphore signalling instead -- it's less
hassle all round.

[As you can all see, I'm having a grumpy weekend.]
Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler at startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
GPG pub key : 01269BEB  6CAD BFFB DB11 653E B1B7 C62B  AC93 0ED8 0126 9BEB
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