[Glastonbury] OOo and MySQL

Rob Cornelius root at htmler.org
Sun Jan 25 09:15:22 GMT 2004

I tried Rekall... or rather i didnt as I couldnt get it to compile at 
all. Tried looking on the totalrekall site and I cant see what I have to 
do to get the full versions at all, there seems to be some sort of need 
to purchase code but no way that I can see to actually do it!

(oh and I dont like Gnome, its perfectly possible to have RH9 running KDE ;)

I /think/ I now know how to get an ODBC datasource set up on a linux 
box. Hopefully I can then connect OOo to the MySQL server through this 
route. Otherwise I will have to get Java sorted out on the machine and 
try and use JDBC to connect.

So far all I have is this screenshot to show them


The next problem will be the data they have is all over the place and 
they have to use some Access wizard type queries to process it each 
time. But they cant sort out the data once and update the database 
because "that wouldnt be right, we might want to change it later" (I 
have already had to do this sort of thing twice where they said 
duplicated data was bad then changed their minds.... dont ask). So once 
I have got it all working I will have to find a way of translating 
bizzarely generated AccessSQL to something MySQL can cope with. /Then/ 
find a way of getting them to use it!


Likewise with any web based interface

Rick Fitzsimmons wrote:
> I've heard that Rekall does what you're looking for (on multiple 
> platforms too). I've not tried it myself yet, but hope to soon.
> Try looking at http://www.totalrekall.co.uk/ for the GPL version, or 
> http://thekompany.com/products/rekall/ for the commercial version.
> Or even http://www.rekallrevealed.org for the source code.
> I'd be interested in progress with OOo too, as MySql integration with 
> OOo is something else I've been meaning to look at.
> Cheers,
> Rick.
> Rob Cornelius wrote:
>> Wotcha
>> Bit of a crossed line here OOo is OpenOffice(.org). I use phpMyAdmin 
>> or sqlYog as a front end for MySQL myself been using MySQL for years 
>> now since verson 3.1.something.
>> But one of the companies I work for had a 2million record database in 
>> Access that took up to a couple of hours to get any data out of. So I 
>> replaced it with MySQL and they can get the same data in milliseconds 
>> (ok so its on a dual Xenon server now but hey).
>> The problem is that the people who work there have about 3 sessions at 
>> night school doing CLAIT between them. Therefore the only database 
>> front end they can use is Access. (I go there and type queries into 
>> the mysql command line and they refuse to believe the results I get 
>> out) They wouldn't know a select statement if it bit them.
>> Then the boss there says "this linux thing you use is cheap isnt it?" 
>> (the server is on RH9) So I have to set up a linux workstation..... So 
>> i need a database front end that is as much like access as 
>> possible.... THe only one I know of at all for linux with a "point and 
>> click, drag and drop" query designer is Open Office. Hence my 
>> predicament.
>> This is a real "if I can get linux/OSS accepted here we can conquor 
>> the world situation" So far they agree that KDE looks pretty.....
>> Rob
>> Sean Miller wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I have spent a very frustrating afternoon trying to get OOo to connect
>>>> to a MySQL server on another machine.
>>>> I need something that "Just like Access" to keep my boss happy (and 
>>>> more
>>>> important the person working on the database who last learned a new
>>>> skill in 1995! OOo seems ideal and the screenshots of the database
>>>> component in action look great.
>>>> I have tried everything I can think of in the "add datasource" dialog.
>>>> Either I get a message to say I typed in my username and password wrong
>>>> or occasionally I get a message to say a so file is corrupt! The help
>>>> basically says "fill out the fields in the dialog" and I have been all
>>>> over Google.
>>>> I tried both the MySQL direct method and ODBC but both with the same
>>>> results.
>>> I do not know OOo what is it?
>>> There are plenty of MySQL front ends out there... I do not know how 
>>> Access
>>> works (have managed to avoid it) so do not know why you seem to
>>> anti-MySQLFront or phpMyAdmin etc. etc.
>>> Can you provide a list of requirements and I can see if I can find you a
>>> tool that will enable all your wildest dreams and (who knows) maybe 
>>> dreams
>>> you didn't even realise you could have dreamt ?  Please take it from 
>>> me that
>>> MySQL blows Microsoft Access away in *EVERY* way... I work full time 
>>> using
>>> Oracle, have done for best part of 20 years now, but MySQL is becoming a
>>> language to be reckoned with.... I downloaded MySQL 5 beta the other 
>>> day and
>>> it is breathtaking....
>>> Even if your colleague has to spent half an hour out of his drinking 
>>> time
>>> learning a new front end, it will be worth it... MySQL/Microsoft?!?! 
>>> It's
>>> like comparing a fine vintage wine with the home brew kits in 
>>> Hallets....
>>> Sean
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