[Glastonbury] Dapper?

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Fri Dec 23 11:24:40 GMT 2005

Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

>Be aware that the Dapper Alphas are just that :) Any chance
>of bringing along a Kubuntu LiveCD or Dapper Alpha for same?
I can burn a couple of Kubuntu CDs to bring too... much as it is against 
my Gnomist principles...  ;-)

Yes, the Dapper Alphas are just that but I'm not talking install CDs... 
with Live CDs I think stability pales a little into insignificance 
because all you do is shutdown and re-start with the earlier versions... 
and I shall bring both Hoary and Breezy sets (ie. the nicely packaged 
Canonical ones).

>Unless the ICT has sane and sensible CD writing software, it may
>still be easier to burn .iso's off-site.  At 2MB connectivity,
>it's potentially true that some group members have equal 'net
>access outside and older versions of Adaptec / Roxio software
>don't have much understanding of .iso and you have to burn raw
>images etc. etc.
I don't think we realistically want to be looking at downloading isos 
during the meeting at the ICT...  I now have a 2mbps broadband 
connection so can download fairly easily before the day...


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